My Story

In the past couple of years, I went through many personal struggles including two miscarriages within a year, weight gain and issues breathing which I would later find out was the result of ‘broken hearted syndrome’ ….not to mention everything we were all witnessing happening in the world. 

I was discouraged, depressed, stressed and trying to navigate what was being classified as the ‘new normal’ I wondered why I wasn’t capable of rebounding the way I  normally would when faced with adversities and I was angry. Angry with myself, my body and my mind and it was truly distressing me. But I realized, no matter what you try to do or what you tell yourself, if your mind isn’t right, all of the equipment in the world will not get you motivated.  

I recognized that I was experiencing trauma. I had to start being kind to myself and honor my process towards recovery. That helped me tremendously (not immediately, of course) but it also made me realize that people need a different approach to honor their journey.  I needed a different approach.  

As I respect the no holds bar approach, what about the people who need some nurturing to get to where they're going? What about the people who need a bit more understanding that it is a process and not everyone starts with an encouraging mindset?  There may have been some setbacks, but you can reach your goal without feeling like a failure and be encouraged no matter where you are in the process.  

That’s where I am at the moment.   The program I’ve built is called Transformation.  Where you build yourself from the inside no matter where you are on your journey.  No judgment, no extreme pressure, just encouraging you to grow from wherever you may be mentally and physically.  We all may need to start or restart from somewhere and I am here to navigate and encourage that journey. 

With Love,

